About Us:
We strive to develop and
promote RESPONSIBLE TOURISM which is possible only when
- Tourists support the host community and contribute in conservation of
the resources / environment
quality of the destination.
- Host community, conscious of the significance of both tourism and
local environment, willingly contribute in maintaining balance between
development vis-à-vis environmental contribution and cultural
- Environmentalists / Sociologists / Anthropologists / Archaeologists /
Economists realistically appreciate the contribution of RESPONSIBLE
TOURISM in the judicious use of the resources in a most sustained
- Tourism enterprises honestly recognize the importance of sustained
environment quality (sustained resource quality) vis-à-vis sustained
tourism development and willingly contribute, in this regard.
You will appreciate the fact that judiciously promoted tourism is as
good for the host, the tourists and the environment as for the
generations to come. The Himalayan ranges in particular and a highly
mountainous country like Bhutan that still preserves is unique natural
and cultural heritage essentially needs tourism that harmonizes well
with the environment and acts synergistically in protection,
preservation and conservation of the bounties of nature and culture.
We look forward to serve you in this enchanting Himalayan Jewel. Kindly
write to us and we will revert with an appropriate answer at the
earliest possible.